Early Start March 31
To accommodate our host parish's meeting, we will be starting at 9:00am for the hours and 9:30am for the Liturgy of St Basil. Look forward to seeing you there! Upcoming Services
Thank You Thank you to Anna and Melody for hosting our second akathist, the prayer service was beautiful and the food amazing! We also had a series of firsts with Fr. Paul of our liturgy at Annunciation on Monday and Pre-Sancitified Liturgy on Wednesday. It truly is a blessing to be able to pray together as a community. A reminder that you will pretty much miss lent if you only show up on Sundays. Cleanup Crew We need volunteers to help setup the church on Sundays about 45 minutes before the service. (ie 8:15 am tomorrow). This will hopefully alleviate the burden on Fr. and a small group that have been doing it. Please sign up here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1dkBE_ieiI8Bhhdmh68DgPboJDDdOiFL3JI920jSI2k0/edit?usp=drive_web&ouid=100380447218779408151 Icons Does anyone have a nice icon (written or printed) at home that would be appropriate for an upcoming feast? Anyone with some icon calendar taking up space? We need it! In particular we need St Mary of Egypt, Christs Entry to Jeruselem, Lazurus, the Last Supper, the Crucifixion, Ascension, Pentecost... Please talk to Subdn Michael if you have one of these.
![]() Oridination Photos Axios to our new Clergy! It was a beautiful event in Ottawa, thanks to our gracious hosts of Christ the Savior. Please find photos from the Ordination on our Photo Page or on our Diocesan Site. Upcoming Services
Parish Meeting after Presanctified Liturgy Wednesday March 27 We would like to invite everyone to a group discussion following our first Pre-sanctified liturgy this Wednesday, March 27th, which will begin at 6:30pm. Instead of our regular custom to break bread in silence, we would like to take the opportunity to meet and discuss recent developments for a future semi-permanent home for our church community Upcoming Services
For Those Coming to Ottawa Saturday March 23rd vespers with H.E. begins at 5 pm - a Soul Saturday Panakhyda will begin prior to that at 4:30 pm. After vespers there will be a informal get together at a nearby restaurant/pub. Please be advised that His Eminence has moved the liturgy start time on Sunday March 24th to 9:30 am. The ordinations to the Sub-diaconate will begin promptly on the heals of the start of the service - so be sure to give yourself some cushionroom if you're the type who likes to arrive just as liturgy begins. This is the work of the faithful, to pray with the Metropolitan so that the grace of God will come upon those being ordained to carry the ministry of our church. (Limited) parking is available behind the church hall (58 Arthur Street), which is around the corner from the church. There are also three or four pay lots within two blocks of the church, and if you arrive early enough, you should find free street parking as well. Do reach out to the clergy and parish council if you need assistance to come. Parish Meeting after Presanctified Liturgy Wednesday March 27 We would like to invite everyone to a group discussion following our first Pre-sanctified liturgy this Wednesday, March 27th, which will begin at 6:30pm. Instead of our regular custom to break bread in silence, we would like to take the opportunity to meet and discuss recent developments for a future semi-permanent home for our church community. As we begin the journey towards the joy of the resurrection we have some tools the church has given to enable the Metanoia (conversion) of our lives we are called to.
Remember these tools can be a sword or a scalpel depending on how you use them. The four Sundays before lent are our guide to how to use these tools:
Some Other Announcements
Thank you to everyone who attended our first service in Regent Park! We are looking forward to seeing you in the future. Photos are on our photo page.
See you next Sunday for Typica and then begin Great Lent with us at Forgiveness Vespers @ 7:00pm! |
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