In obedience to our Bishop , the health authorities and to the weakest among us we must suspend public services for the time being. But this doesnt mean that we have ceased to be the church of Christ in the world.
We have prepared a page that includes information on how to we plan to stay connected during our closure along with resources for living in the desert of our homes. Information about streaming services will be included there as well. Do not hesitate to reach out to us if you have a need, want us to pray for you, or just need to talk.
All church services are suspended immediately until the end of March. The services scheduled for Friday and Sunday are cancelled, as per the directive from our Metropolitan Gregory, below. There will be no services at St. Silouan Orthodox Church in Toronto until further notice. This decision will be reassessed on March 31st. Urgent Update From Metropolitan Gregory Regarding The Coronavirus or Covid-19 Pandemic March 18, 2020 Protocol No. 8/2020 God is with us! Dear Reverend Clergy and Faithful Laity of the Diocese, I am writing you with a very heavy heart as the Coronavirus pandemic continues to affect all of us here in the United States and around the world. Earlier today the Chief Secretariat the Holy and Sacred Synod following a meeting of the Ecumenical Patriarchate’s Hierarchs in Constantinople issued a statement concerning the pandemic. The announcement follows below: As this Coronavirus crisis continues to spread and intensify on a global scale, the Ecumenical Patriarchate is monitoring the situation with an urgent sense of responsibility towards the faithful and all people without exception, and, following the Communique of 11 March 2020, upon deliberation of its Hierarchs in the City announces the following:
From the Chief Secretariat of the Holy and Sacred Synod Phanar, 18 March 2020 All parishes of the American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Diocese are to follow the instructions of the Ecumenical Patriarchate. All divine services, events, and rites are to cease for the time being, except that the Churches are to remain open at normal times in order for parishioners to enter and offer their private prayers and maybe light a candle or vigil lamp. If the Priest and/or Parish leadership sees that the number of people is above the local limit, whatever it might be, the people should enter in smaller numbers. If there are any questions please email me or call at the Chancery. Hopefully this situation with our prayers and God’s help will improve quickly. “But the Lord, He is the One who goes before you. He will be with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you: do not be afraid, nor terrified.” (Deut. 31:8) Working in His Vineyard with much love, +METROPOLITAN GREGORY OF NYSSA ![]()
From Father Paul Tadros, St. Silouan Parish Priest
As we await updated directives from the Diocese, ministry volunteers, parish council, and myself have agreed to stop all meals and hospitality hours effective immediately. Specifically, until further notice:
In addition, our parish will only be open during services. However, in accordance with provincial directives, no service will exceed the maximum number of 50 persons. This will be controlled through an electronic registration process and a count at the door. Please keep an eye on your emails for an invitation to register. If you have not already done so, please sign up to our email bulletins on our CONTACT US page . Please note that e-registration for liturgy attendance will have to be strictly limited and priority will be given to clergy, servers and choir. In the coming days, parish council will work with myself, and all updated directives from the Diocese to manage how best to be in church while practicing social distancing. Stay tuned. March 12, 2020 Protocol No. 7/2020 God is with us! Dear Reverend Clergy and Faithful Laity of the Diocese, I am writing to you today with a sense of urgency, as we confront the new Covid-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic that is potentially affecting not only our physical and spiritual health but also our way of life in the United States of America. If you have turned on the television, listened to the radio, or followed the announcements on your phones for the last three weeks or so, you would think that the world is coming to an end. Local public and private schools are shutting down for several weeks. Professional sports leagues are suspending their schedules. Colleges and universities are closing down their on campus activities and doing everything on-line for the remainder of the spring semester. Even the NCAA Men’s and Women’s Basketball March Madness Tournaments have been cancelled. What will we do for the next three weeks without our madness? How about going to Church and observing Great Lent in a more meaningful way. Several Priests and lay people have contacted the Chancery and/or me personally asking for some guidance/directives on what to do as we deal with this current health issue. Some have even offered their own suggestions. Various Christian Churches, Roman Catholic and Protestants, have made pronouncements concerning the Coronavirus. Some of the Orthodox jurisdictions here in the United States and others around the world have made pronouncements encouraging their faithful. Here are my thoughts and directives concerning this issue:
“But the Lord, He is the One who goes before you. He will be with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you: do not be afraid, nor be terrified.” (Deut. 31:8) Working in His Vineyard with much love, +METROPOLITAN GREGORY OF NYSSA ![]()
After a beautiful forgiveness vespers, we have entered the fast. Please join us for the first week of lent:
Follow our Facebook feed which is updated regularly or contact us to join our weekly email list which has more detailed announcements
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