Wishing you a joyous and fruitful Pascha. Christ is Risen and Hell's power is shattered, where O Death is thy sting? Thank you to everyone who made Pascha so beautiful and helped us in the long road to this moment. It truly was a joyous feast, proclaiming light to the darkness, dueling processions, a packed beautiful decorated new church, a great choir, and an amazing feast in the early hours of the morning. We hope you have gotten some time to rest. As a reminder we have two services this week: Paschal Canon and Liturgy: Wednesday @6:30pm Paschal Canon and Liturgy for St Thomas Sunday: Sunday @ 9:30am See you there! From our multicultural family:
New Location By God's grace we are at our new location: 237 Sackville Street Toronto, Ontario M5A 3G1 (Enter by the three doors at street level on Sackville Ave. Once inside, head downstairs and enter the first door on the right.) There is no dedicated parking so you may wish to use street parking or the Green P lot across from the church. We wish to thank everyone who helped us move and St George's Macedono-Bulgarian Orthodox Church for hosting us for the last two months. We are truly blessed by the generosity we have been shown and God's amazing hand in all of this. Upcoming Services The next week is a busy one as we journey to the Cross and on to the Joyous Resurrection. Come, join us! As Christ invited us, "keep watch with Me."
What is this about?
There is a signup sheet for our tradition of breaking the fast of Pascha after liturgy. Do sign up if you can and don't feel like you can't stay if you dont bring anything, there will be a lot of food. Other Ways to Help Out
Reception of Jolene and Rowan As you may have heard, with the bishop's blessing we will be receiving Jolene and Rowan through Chrismation into the Orthodox church on St. Basil's Liturgy on Great and Holy Saturday. Prayers would be appreciated for their journey. Resources for Parents Holy Week is a wonderful, special week for Orthodox Christians. It is also filled with long services that can be challenging to anyone, but especially to young children. This post offers suggestions for Holy Week that can help to make Holy Week more meaningful for children of different ages. There are many ideas here. They range from ideas of ways to prepare yourself for the week to ways to help your children understand the services to crafty things you can do together. Check out these ideas if you have time, and apply any that you wish. Please do not let these many suggestions discourage you, especially if you do not have the energy to add “one more thing” to your family’s schedule! You know your family, and what each member needs the most. So live accordingly!
Above all, let us love our Lord and each other throughout Holy Week. May we live this week together, in awe of His compassion and mercy, and in gratitude for His great gift to us. May all that we do (or do not do!) prepare us to celebrate His holy resurrection! SEE YOU AT THE FINISH LINE! St. Silouan has moved to a new home at 237 Sackville Street! A few words from Father Paul on our move:
"...[O]ur first Divine Liturgy at our 237 Sackville location (lower level) will fittingly be held on Lazarus Saturday at 9:30 am. Enter by the three doors at street level on Sackville Ave. Once inside, head downstairs and enter the first door on the right. [...] May this new temple be a place for us to grow older together, to see our children pray and play together, to welcome the stranger together, to laugh and even cry together. May it be a place of many Holy gatherings, pleasing in the Lord’s sight." All are welcome to this weekend's Lenten Retreat with the much beloved, Very Rev. Fr. Maxym and Matushka Yvonne Lysack!
See poster for details St Mary of Egypt's life is a story of the power of God's grace and mercy as we seek true repentance. God takes us through the desert in order to purify us and prepare us for his glory of the Promised land. Each desert is unique to our woundedness and calling., but the desert is not enough, we need each other. St Zosima, a lauded monk, is taught humility and true monastic life by a woman (whom he was least expecting) and St Mary learns to reset her unhealthy relationship with men by a relationship with the holy St Zosima. God has prepared them for this moment of encounter. Come and see how God can create great beauty out of the ashes of our lives.
Upcoming Services
Lenten Retreat In order to renew our lifes we are having a retreat this Friday, Saturday and Sunday with our Dean Fr. Maxyme. This is a great chance to get confession as well as refocus on our life in Christ. Reminder Earlier Start Time To accommodate our host parish shorter service, we will be starting at 9:00am for the hours and 9:30am for the Liturgy of St Basil for the next two Sundays. Look forward to seeing you there! Update on New Location We are hoping to sign a lease very soon and be able to start Holy Week in the new location, do pay attention to announcements in the upcoming weeks about location of services. :) Reception of Jolene and Rowan As you may have heard, with the bishop's blessing we will be receiving Jolene and Rowan through Chrismation into the Orthodox church on St. Basil's Liturgy on Great and Holy Saturday. Prayers would be appreciated for their journey. Thank You Thank you to Bogdan for hosting last week and Theda and Nick for hosting Akathists at your home, we are truly blessed to be able to pray and fellowship together. A continued thank you for all those that have stepped up to take care of the chapel,setup, the food, Phos, the Choir, read the services, building liturgical items, or just helping with community; we are truly blessed by gift of your time! Cleanup Crew We need volunteers to help setup the church on Sundays about 45 minutes before the service. (ie 8:15 am on Sunday). This will hopefully alleviate the burden on Fr. and a small group that have been doing it. Please sign up here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1dkBE_ieiI8Bhhdmh68DgPboJDDdOiFL3JI920jSI2k0/edit?usp=drive_web&ouid=100380447218779408151 If you would be able to help with reading, please sign up here https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1pNJgJKwHvxUp-96M4-Q5WuIMgUefkF9NfcDhiBRPqaI/edit?usp=sharing Icons Does anyone have a nice icon (written or printed) at home that would be appropriate for an upcoming feast? Anyone with some icon calendar taking up space? We need it! Please talk to Subdn Michael, in particular we need:
LITURGY EPISTLES: Hebrews 6.13-20 and Ephesians 5.9-19 LITURGY GOSPELS: Mark 9.17-31 and Matthew 4.25-5.12 Troparion — Tone 1 Dweller of the desert and angel in the body, / you were shown to be a wonder-worker, our God-bearing Father John. / You did receive heavenly gifts through fasting, vigil, and prayer: / healing the sick and the souls of those drawn to you by faith. / Glory to Him who gave thee strength! / Glory to Him who granted you a crown! / Glory to Him who through you grants healing to all! Kontakion — Tone 4 The Lord truly set youon the heights of abstinence, / to be a guiding star, showing the way to the universe, / O our Father and Teacher John. |
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