Thursday, July 18
St. Silouan House of Hospitality - 9:30am to 2:30pm Each Thursday, St Silouan continues the liturgical life of our community - gathering, praying, and sharing a meal together. Come and be connected to others, brothers and sisters in Christ. For those who cannot for one reason or another be present during this communal work of mercy, you can participate through your prayers, and if you are interested, please speak to Fr. Paul about offering food/or the cost of a meal in memorial of a loved one. If you'd like to stop by and grab a cup of coffee with Fr. Paul, by all means, please do! Saturday, July 20 - Parenting towards the Kingdom - 3:30pm The parish is inviting mothers and fathers young and old to swap and share their insights and experiences into how we can guide our children toward engaging with their faith, and deeping their love for the Lord and His Church. The ever talented Polina will be facilitating this round table discussion. Bring your questions, concerns, tips, and whatever else to this hopefully first of many thinking moments on how to best nature and support our kids on their walk with God. - Vespers at 4:30 - Memorial service for all who would like to commemorate a departed loved one immediately following vespers Please note that we generally do not do Pannikedas/Parastas/Memorials on Sundays as some churches do. But instead will be on the Third Saturday of each month after vespers. Sunday, July 21 - Hours and Liturgy: 9:30am - After liturgy this Sunday, our resident church designer, Nick Zigomanis will speak to the community about how we hope to reno' and beautify our space - building Phos (sunday school classrooms etc) Other reminders - If you would like to book a time with Fr. Paul, please send him an email. - Save the date: Kissoon Family BBQ Date: Saturday, August 17 Time: 2 pm
It is with great joy that I announce, H.E. Metropolitan Gregory, will be making an Archpastoral visit to our community this weekend! His Eminence has made it a priority to spend time with us, and to continue to help support our parish. Please be advised of His Eminence's scheduled times:
--------------------------------------- Friday July, 05 7pm - Blue jays vs Orioles at the Rogers Centre! All parishioners are welcome to come and watch the game with His Eminence. If you are interested in joining, please RSVP with me (Fr. Paul at [email protected]) by Thursday at 6:00pm. If you do RSVP as coming, you will be expected to pay for your tickets. If there is enough interest, we may be able to get a group discount, and therefore I don't yet know the price of tickets - but you should expect to pay no more than 30$ Saturday July 06 1:30pm to 3:30pm - Pizza and community time with His Eminence. 4:00pm - Vespers 4:00pm - H.E. Scheduled meetings offsite Sunday July 07 9:30am - Hierarchical Divine Liturgy and Agape with His Eminence Metropolitan Gregory Evening - Meeting with Clergy and Parish Council ----------------------------------------------------------- If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Yours in Christ, Fr. Paul |
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