Help us continue in our ministry. Above all, please remember St. Silouan Orthodox church in your prayers.
St. Silouan the Athonite Orthodox Church is a registered charity.
Our charitable number is: BN 79344 8671 RR0001.
St. Silouan the Athonite Orthodox Church is a registered charity.
Our charitable number is: BN 79344 8671 RR0001.
Secure Payment by Credit Card or PayPal
In Person
At St. Silouan’s during our services we do not have a collection for donations. There is a donation box at the back of the church for those who wish and can donate. Cheques or money order can be made payable to: “St. Silouan Orthodox Church.” By Mail: Cheque or money order payable to “St. Silouan Orthodox Church” can be sent to: St. Silouan Orthodox Church 237 Sackville Street, Lower Level/Basement, Toronto, ON. M5A 3G1 Please include your name, address and email address on your cheque or elsewhere and you will be issued a tax receipt early in the following new year. Interac E-Mail Money Transfer Log into your online bank account and make a money transfer by email, addressed to [email protected]. |
Parish Membership
We are united with Christ through the sacraments and mysteries of the Church as well as through our faithful offering of our entire selves to Jesus Christ.
To be a Member of our parish, one must
Our governance model requires us to distinguish between voting members and non-voting members. Orthodox Christian over 18 years of age must indicate on their membership/stewardship commitment form if they are requesting to be Voting Members of the Corporation of the Parish.
Keep in mind that true membership in the Body of Christ involves living according to His word and within His Church.
If you are interested in becoming a member, download, fill out and submit the form below at the church. Or Contact Us for more information.
Download Membership Form
To be a Member of our parish, one must
- Have an active commitment to our belief in God
- An acknowledgement of Christ in our way of life
- Commit a portion of time, talent and treasure to the Church
Our governance model requires us to distinguish between voting members and non-voting members. Orthodox Christian over 18 years of age must indicate on their membership/stewardship commitment form if they are requesting to be Voting Members of the Corporation of the Parish.
Keep in mind that true membership in the Body of Christ involves living according to His word and within His Church.
If you are interested in becoming a member, download, fill out and submit the form below at the church. Or Contact Us for more information.
Download Membership Form
Help Furnish God's House
Since the Covenant, it has been important to bring an offering to God. Bakers would bring the bread that would be used for communion and tailors the clothes, with the excess distributed to the poor and needy. However in the modern world of electronic giving in lieu of this we usually light candles as a representation of this offering and as a way of symbolizing our prayer intentions before God. The candles can be purchased for a suggested donation at the back of the church.
However, donations to enable the liturgy are strongly encouraged,
However, donations to enable the liturgy are strongly encouraged,
- Wine: The wine is a sweet kosher style wine, either a Mavrodaphne (Another), Kagor or Nama wines, or in a pinch, a Kosher Concord can work. You can pick these up in the desert wine section of the LCBO.
- Bread/Prosphora: We have a group of people that prepare Prosphora. Consider becoming part of the Agape ministry group if you want to help.
- Incense: Can be purchased online or from Serano Bakery, Highland Farms and other places in the city. No stick incense. Charcoal can be bought at the same place and is appreciated.
- Candles: Tapers and vigil lamps are available at the back of church by donation.
- Icons and Liturgical Furnishings: A number of icons and liturgical items are are still needed:
- This includes some liturgical feasts, handwritten/painted icons for our iconostas and apse, but Icons of major saints or family patrons are welcome.
- We could use a few additional vestments for a our priest and altar servers.
- We are also eventually looking at getting a more permanent altar table.
- Building and Beautification: There is a number of building projects that need to be completed, please see Mena M about this.
- Sewing: We still have a few altar coverings needed, please see Ioana if you would like to assist.
- Your time: The harvest is many but the labourers are few. Help us with general administration, help in the liturgy or our ministries. Please see Father Paul about this.
Supporting Community Meals
If you would like to support a community meal at Noble Joseph House -- please email us with your request and details.
Perhaps you would like to commemorate a significant day or event like a birthday, anniversary, church feast or your Saint’s day? Another beautiful tradition is making the offering of a meal in memory of a loved one who has passed away. If so requested, we will acknowledge the support and the dedication at the meal and in our prayers.
Email us with the details of your request or add a note to your donation.
Perhaps you would like to commemorate a significant day or event like a birthday, anniversary, church feast or your Saint’s day? Another beautiful tradition is making the offering of a meal in memory of a loved one who has passed away. If so requested, we will acknowledge the support and the dedication at the meal and in our prayers.
Email us with the details of your request or add a note to your donation.