Our Clergy
Not Pictured: Subdcn Mark Duma
Our Lay Leadership
Ministry Council
Our Ministry Council is the life blood and overseers of most aspects of parish life, responsible for governance of the day-to-day activities of the parish, as well as setting our short-, medium-, and long-term vision planning. The council assists the priest in carrying out the ministry of the parish with each ministry headed by the parish priest and the individual director. Each individual ministry is made up of its own council consisting of parish members. Adult Education: Agape: Alexei Batten Choir: Polina Sanfilliopo Liturgical Formation and Care: Subdcn Aubrey Kissoon Maintenance - Dr. Mena Megellie Missions and Evangelism: Dn Michael Luciuk Outreach and Youth: Mariam Salama Parish Beautification: Kathy Wlasenko Phos: Minja Milanovic Special Events: Vanessa Aellen Website and Communication: Bogdan Pospielovsky |
Parish Board
The role of the elected Parish Board is for fiduciary and financial oversight of the parish as required by Canadian Law. Bogdan Pospielovsky - Chair Anna Auman - Treasurer Alexei Batten - Corporate Secretary Bishoy Khalil - Member Aaron SanFilippo - Member Ana-Maria Iliescu Stieghelbauer - Member Paul Vorvis - (Interim co-Treasurer, interim co-Corporate Secretary) |